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By submitting this form, I confirm that:
I confirm my enrollment for service and have read, understand, accept and agree to the
Electricity Terms and Conditions
and the
Electric Customer Contract Summary
I confirm my enrollment for service and have read, understand, accept and agree to the
Gas Terms and Conditions
and the
Gas Customer Contract Summary
I am the account holder and am authorized to sign up, renew, or change my electric/gas service to Spring, and I am voluntarily authorizing this change. I understand that using electronic signup, renewal, or switching is consenting and agreeing to the terms and conditions above and that this electronic acceptance is an agreement to initiate service and begin enrollment and authorization to receive my agreement electronically via email.
I understand that the price may be higher or lower than my utility’s default service price and that Spring cannot guarantee savings in any particular month or over the duration of my contract with Spring. I understand that I have an obligation to provide Spring Power & Gas with any change in email address and any withdrawal of consent for the electronic retention of contracts or other customer information.
I authorize Spring Power & Gas to obtain and review information regarding my consumption history from the Utility. This information may be used by Spring Power & Gas to determine whether it will commence and/or continue to provide energy supply service to me and shall not be disclosed to third party unless needed as specified in the contract.
You may rescind this sales agreement and authorization within 3 calendar days after electronic acceptance of the sales agreement, and may rescind the authorization for release of information at anytime. I understand that energy supply will be provided Spring Power & Gas and energy delivery will continue to be provided by my utility. Your utility will be available to respond to leaks or other emergencies should they occur.
You may rescind this sales agreement and authorization within 7 calendar days after electronic acceptance of the sales agreement, and may rescind the authorization for release of information at anytime. I understand that energy supply will be provided Spring Power & Gas and energy delivery will continue to be provided by my utility. Your utility will be available to respond to leaks or other emergencies should they occur.
If you would prefer a printed version of the agreement, Spring Power & Gas will send a hard copy by mail within 3 business days after the request is placed. You may request a hard copy of your sales agreement or request to rescind by calling into our toll-free telephone number at 1-888-710-4782 or email us at online@springpowerandgas.us. To print a copy of the Terms and Conditions or Contract Summary follow the links above.
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